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Joaquim Neto and Jessica Welch

Joaquim Neto is Chief Strategy Officer at Verato. He has decades of experience in information management and master data management technologies across industries, with a particular expertise in healthcare and in master patient index (MPI) and health information exchange (HIE) solutions. He has consulted and delivered solutions for healthcare providers and payers of all types—from Fortune 500 health systems to community hospitals. Prior to Verato, Joaquim worked at Initiate Systems and IBM. Joaquim is a fan of the outdoors and is an avid runner, biker, and fisherman.

Jessica Welch is Segment Manager at Verato. She has a particular interest in public health and supporting communities. She has previous experience in health and wellness wearables before joining Verato, the identity experts for healthcare. The Verato Universal Identity™️platform introduces the industry’s first hMDM, the next generation MDM for healthcare, to enable a complete and trusted single source of truth for consumer, patient, and provider identity.