Devices & Diagnostics

Introducing MedCity Moves, a New Podcast on Healthcare’s Corporate Ladder

MedCity News is launching a new podcast called MedCity Moves focusing on healthcare's corporate ladder. Published monthly, episodes will provide a summary of notable executive appointments and layoff news — as well as an interview with a recently-appointed healthcare leader or anyone that is experiencing a shift in their job.

Healthcare innovation and the industry’s transformation — which MedCity News has historically covered — is ultimately about the people involved. With that aim in mind, MedCity News is launching a new podcast that will report on healthcare’s corporate ladder and include a spotlight on one of the individuals making the news.

Episodes will publish monthly and will provide a roundup of executive appointments and layoff news. If you were recently laid off from a healthcare position and want to speak on the record, we would love to hear from you as well. Send all news to

Taha Kass-Hout, Chief Technology Officer, GE Healthcare

In the first episode, aside from providing an overview of healthcare’s latest leadership and layoff news, Senior Reporter Katie Adams interviews Dr. Taha Kass-Hout, who recently became GE Healthcare‘s chief technology officer. Previously, Kass-Hout served as the FDA’s first chief health informatics officer and as the director of information science and informatics at the CDC. He joins GE Healthcare from Amazon Web Services, where he was the chief medical officer and vice president of machine learning. Listen to the episode here:


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MedCity News publishes a series of important, powerful conversations on the business of healthcare with the help of key partners and sponsors.
